One day...

'One day all your children will have is pictures of you. Make sure you're in them. No matter what your hair looks like, your makeup, or your body, they won't care about any of that, they'll just want to see you.'

This is a quotation we've been mulling over for some time here at CAM. It’s clearly apt for us, as photographers, but it’s also very emotive and perhaps even melancholic. It serves as truthful reminder on the importance of images when it comes to memory. Photography takes many forms from records of milestones, which we've touched on before, to very personal moments. Spontaneity is also important, a photograph can elevate the mundane to something special, given the right circumstance. Each of these properties, however, falls back to memory and how we perceive our time with those we love. 

Recently, we've been doing lots of work with people who have had tremendous success with Slimming World. We love hearing their stories, and its amazing to see how willing and confident they are in front of the camera. These individuals have gone through a fantastic physical transformation, which is something to be commended, but the real transformation for us is a mental one. Confidence and joy perceptively brims from each of them in front of the camera, it’s fantastic. It’s a mentality we endeavour to instil in all our clients, a kind of self belief that removes all fear of the camera and helps create some amazing images. Children have this believe but somewhere along the way most of us lose it. 

Something that can help to instil this is knowing you look your best, which is why our Makeover sessions have always proven so popular. Its brilliant for us that we are able to offer such a professional makeover service, packaged with our photo session. Our team in Lancaster has its own in-house beauty studio and we are partnered with some amazing artists in Ashton. The image here is a perfect example of what such a great partnership can achieve, with an active and confident subject. The image making process in the studio is always a collaboration, its why we love to take portraits but the end result is always that you'll love it to. 


Consider the message above, and consider your own mentality when it comes to images of yourself. Perhaps a Makeover session is the perfect way to overcome those barriers you may have in front of the camera. Perhaps it isn't - but something else will be. What's important, and the real message here, is to resolve to be more active in photography. Take more photos, be in more photos and have a positive role in the process - they will stand the test of time. 

As always, please contact us with any and all enquires via 01524 846 697 (Lancaster)