Fine Art (Pet edition)

So here it is - the first official blog post on our brand new website. It's something we have been working on for a while and will continue to curate and update the content. We are certainly happy with it, but we would love to hear your thoughts on how it looks/works for you? Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any ideas or comments. 

Housekeeping done, down to the meat of this post, our Fine Art Dogs! This has been a pet-project (pun intended) of Cheryl's for a while and is something we are all excited about at CAM HQ. The idea originally stemmed from one of our lovely clients, who wanted an image of their beautiful dog, which included some of their hunting gear as well. This got the creative juices flowing and the example below exemplifies the image produced (notably it also won an award from the Guild of Photographers). 


These sessions are unlike anything else we've produced (or seen) before. Cheryl spends time constructing each set with objects personal to you and the pay off is something truly unique. Differing from other sessions, its all about that single magical image that can be a real display piece on the wall. Each image is meticulously designed as a piece of art, then follows a significant amount of post-processing to really make it pop. Doesn't it just feel like something you could tangibly touch? Within all this construction, however, is the most important puzzle piece - your special animal companion, taking pride of place. 

So far, Cheryl's main focus has been dogs but this idea could easily be applied to any household animal. Perhaps you have a really house-proud cat, or a super mischievous kitten? We would love to do something like this with them - imagine them peeking out from over a box, whilst surrounded by all the things they shouldn't have but do anyway. This could even be applied on location with larger animals, like horses; we are thinking big bales of hay with the various riding gear all arranged. 

For us, this is really something special and we would love to produce more. Obviously, there is a cost associated with this work (as with anything). However, the images produced speak for themselves in terms of value and would make the perfect gift. As always, please contact us with any enquires using 01524 846 697, to reach Cheryl, and feel free to like and share!