
‘Milestone’ is one of those words will multiple meanings or uses. Traditionally, a milestone functioned as a physical marker, along a path or road, to signify the passing of a mile. In more recent times, it has come to be associated with an important event or point in time, such as a significant birthday or anniversary. Both meanings signify the importance of change and, to some extent, growth. For us, the word milestone is synonymous with the photograph, even to the point of becoming interchangeable. For what is a photograph if not a mile-marker to our lives? In its simplest form, the photograph functions as a record of a moment in time. Even the most fleeting of moments, those that seem ordinary and banal, can be elevated by a photograph.

The photographic milestone allows us to reflect on specific points in our lives, which in turn helps us to appreciate our growth both individuals and family groups. Each new image can be a milestone, we just don’t necessarily know it yet. Cast your mind to that box in the loft or cupboard that contains the old family album (maybe its even on a computer somewhere). There will be likely be images of the family on the beach, a wedding or at Christmas… ‘What was your mum wearing? What were YOU wearing? How on earth could you let yourself be seen in public like that! Aww look at how cute they were, if only they could have stayed that way’. Fashion changes and so do people; in part, thats why we assign such importance to these memories.

Eventually, the pictures in the box will be usurped by their digital brethren and there is a certain sadness to that. However, the function of the images remains the same. The photos from your iPhone will likely make up the bulk of the digital box (and so they should) but there is a place for other things as well. You could say that we at CAM are milestone specialists, of a kind. A family portrait from us will certainly find a special place now and in the future. Take this image as an example. Its a beautiful image now, but imagine how significant it will feel 2 or 5 years into the future? the little ones will have shot up, and the bigger ones will have grown out of the frame! ‘I already have loads on my phone’ you might say – True: but are they all together? is everyone smiling? Do they all look, happy, smart, and content? If so, then perhaps you don’t need us (unless you want to be on the picture as well).

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We love images like this. However, what really fills us with joy is when the same group comes back the next year and we can see and capture the changes for ourselves. Hopefully one day, someone here will have kids of their own and we will get to capture those as well. These images are milestones, just like every birthday is a milestone. You could say that some birthdays are more significant than others. It can be like that with images to; be sure there are no gaps in your mile-markers.

Speaking of milestones, this is our 10th blog! Please feel free to like and share, or let us know how we are doing (for good and bad). Feedback is always appreciated.